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Holistic Beauty Treatments

Sculpt Pod Pro

A patented process that utilizes the power of infrared heat, light, and massage, if you’ve been looking for the ultimate body-slimming, non-invasive treatment, we can’t wait to introduce you to the Sculpt Pod Pro. Ideal for targeting loose skin, cellulite, and stubborn fat, this is the treatment we recommend for those clients who want it all. During treatment, you will be lying down within a “pod” that delivers infrared heat and light to the body from all angles.

The Sculpt Pod Pro is an advanced full-body wellness system that combines multiple therapies for a comprehensive wellness experience. It includes features such as infrared therapy, LED light therapy, and vibrational therapy to promote detoxification, relaxation, and overall vitality. Clients can expect benefits like improved metabolism, stress reduction, and enhanced skin appearance, making the Sculpt Pod Pro a versatile and holistic wellness solution. Our Sculpt Pod Pro services are considered to be very safe and effective. If this is your first time trying the service, we always encourage you to discuss any concerns with your aesthetician.

During this process, the heat or light stimulates the body’s ability to naturally break down fat. In addition, the pod provides a massage and full-body vibration, which further works to reduce cellulite and drain fat. Clients also often find that the infrared heat and light provide an overall feeling of relaxation and a reduction in muscle soreness, pain, and detoxification.

The treatment is quick and effective, with no downtime necessary. Simply book your appointment, enjoy the relaxing experience, and walk out knowing your body is naturally flushing out toxins and stubborn fat. Also, keep in mind that you’ll see better results with more regular treatments. We generally recommend six to ten sessions, depending on what kind of results you’re hoping to see.

Try out your first Sculpt Pod Pro treatment today, and we’ve got a feeling you’ll be hooked once you start seeing results.


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